FirstEnergy plans electricity transmission line project
SMETHPORT — William Brougham of Keating Township doesn't seem to mind a proposed multi-million dollar, approximately 15-mile electricity transmission line project.
He was among the residents who came out on Thursday night to learn about the project during an open house hosted by FirstEnergy and its company, Penelec, at Smethport Junior-Senior High School.
Plans call for the transmission line to be built next year from Pierce Brook to Lewis Run, cutting through parts of Bradford Township, Lewis Run Borough, Lafayette Township and Keating Township. FirstEnergy is proposing to build the Pierce Brook substation with a 230-kilovolt transmission line to the Lewis Run substation in Bradford Township in order to improve service in McKean County and the surrounding area.
"Doesn't matter to me as long as everybody gets their electricity," Brougham said.
Brougham wanted to make sure the transmission line didn't go through his property. He is in favor of a mountainous route, since he said it doesn't impact the homes.
"I found out what I wanted to find out," Brougham said.
But one of the transmission lines routes would impact about 95 property owners, since the project would cross properties or easements and would be within 100 feet of properties, according to Doug Colafella, a spokesman for FirstEnergy. Alternative routes for the project were shown to attendees.
Colafella said the company has to prove two points in its application planned for August to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) — the need for a transmission line and the least impactful route has been chosen.
"And this meeting is a good first step in that process," Colafella said.
Construction for the transmission line is expected in June of 2015, and the substation project is expected to get under way in March of 2015.
Much of the line would be constructed of single poles and H-frame structures and will be built by Trans-Alleghany Line Co., a FirstEnergy company. The project is estimated at $15.8 million.
The substation is planned for Pierce Brook Road in Keating Township is estimated at $28.3 million, officials said.
But a resident of Farmers Valley said the proposed transmission line project would cut through his property, catching him off guard.
He has lived at the property for eight years, and the 160-acre farm includes many acres of timber that would be felled by the major project.
At this point, he's unsure of the project, still weighing the pros and cons.
"It would depend on what they pay for the easement," he said.
The project is part of FirstEnergy's "Energizing the Future" initiative, an effort to ensure system reliability since regional power plants are being taken off-line. Nine power plants have been retired after being too costly to comply with the federal Environmental Protection Agency mercury and air toxins standards and other environmental rules.
PJM Interconnection, a regional transmission organization, directed FirstEnergy to tackle the transmission and substation project since there's a possibility of power overloads, Colafella said.
"The idea is to keep the lights on," Colafella said.